Juan Felipe A.
I never got the product. Tried to contact customer service and never got a response. Not good enough.
Amanda P.
Very sturdy collar.
Elizabeth H.
I have been trying to contact Pawtopia to organise a refund, so far they haven’t got back to me
Ella E.
This Pawtopia collar is great! The shipping was fast (6 days) and it fits nicely on my pup. The airtag goes in easily and after that I can track her everywhere on my phone using the find my app. This is really useful and I will be buying from here again.
Very good material csm
The AirTag case is soft silicone
Super good quality! It doesn't hurt my Dalmatian
Very good, great finish!
I arrive very fast and it is as in the photo
Great design! Accurate to picture and of really good quality.
Rebecca Payne
We bought one 2 years ago for our dog, and paid around £8 for it and now we've paid £30 for the same thing because its become more popular to use an air tag on your dogs collar. Good item, and worth having but maybe not worth how much they are charging.
Lara Freudiger
Ho acquistato taglia M, troppo grande per setter inglese di 15kg
Rippe Samuel
Collier assez solide, il va dans l’eau sans souci.Seul petit bémol : l’AirTag a tendance a un peu ressortir (sans tomber).
Lara Freudiger
Ho acquistato taglia M, troppo grande per setter inglese di 15kg
Bought for our labrador cross as he's taken to escaping from the garden! The apple tag compartment appears to be very sturdy and even comes with its own screwdriver. The collar is lightweight and well made. I can see how it would be too bulky for slightly built dogs. I bought a large and it is perfect size.
Ottimo collare per cani. Le misure sono giuste.Molto bello anche il colore.Consigliato
Baerbel hantel
Passte perfekt. Bisher sehr zufrieden üòÄ
Rebecca Payne
We bought one 2 years ago for our dog, and paid around £8 for it and now we've paid £30 for the same thing because its become more popular to use an air tag on your dogs collar. Good item, and worth having but maybe not worth how much they are charging.
Rippe Samuel
Collier assez solide, il va dans l’eau sans souci.Seul petit bémol : l’AirTag a tendance a un peu ressortir (sans tomber).
Bought for our labrador cross as he's taken to escaping from the garden! The apple tag compartment appears to be very sturdy and even comes with its own screwdriver. The collar is lightweight and well made. I can see how it would be too bulky for slightly built dogs. I bought a large and it is perfect size.
Baerbel hantel
Passte perfekt. Bisher sehr zufrieden üòÄ
Ottimo collare per cani. Le misure sono giuste.Molto bello anche il colore.Consigliato
Excellent Product, delivered 1 week in advance.
Oggettivamente un po’ voluminoso ma penso dipenda dalle taglie, comunque molto bello e comodo
Oliver S.
Wir haben es für unseren Terrier-Mix gekauft und es passt sehr gut und der AirTag ist sicher darin verstaut und baumelt ihr nicht nervig am Hals rum. Gute Qualität und Verarbeitung.
Alberto Fuentes MZ
Buena calidad, la imitación a cosido es reflectante.Tiene un pequeño tornillo que hace de cerradura para que no se escape el Air tag. En nuestro caso es un husky y le va bien la talla M.Lo paseamos por un bosque todos los días y hay esta perfecto.Tiene un acolchado en la parte del cuello y cuerda ajustable.
Die Weitenverstellung lockert sich ab und zu, aber ist beim Anlegen leicht nachjustierbar. Ansonsten einwandfrei!
Ray Smith ( yes that one )
This is very well made but is very big and bulky and quite heavy for a small dog. We have a pug puppy and sent it back unfortunately. For a big dog it'd be nice
Die Weitenverstellung lockert sich ab und zu, aber ist beim Anlegen leicht nachjustierbar. Ansonsten einwandfrei!
jonathan jacobs
Nice fit. Sturdy
Alberto Fuentes MZ
Buena calidad, la imitación a cosido es reflectante.Tiene un pequeño tornillo que hace de cerradura para que no se escape el Air tag. En nuestro caso es un husky y le va bien la talla M.Lo paseamos por un bosque todos los días y hay esta perfecto.Tiene un acolchado en la parte del cuello y cuerda ajustable.
Oliver S.
Wir haben es für unseren Terrier-Mix gekauft und es passt sehr gut und der AirTag ist sicher darin verstaut und baumelt ihr nicht nervig am Hals rum. Gute Qualität und Verarbeitung.
Oggettivamente un po’ voluminoso ma penso dipenda dalle taglie, comunque molto bello e comodo
Ray Smith ( yes that one )
This is very well made but is very big and bulky and quite heavy for a small dog. We have a pug puppy and sent it back unfortunately. For a big dog it'd be nice
jonathan jacobs
Nice fit. Sturdy
Jules B
Very pleased with the collar and the security of the AirTag. Speedily delivered good product and good service
Sehr gut verarbeitet. Passt perfekt. Seit über 1 woche in benutzung und hält ohne probleme. Scheint robust zu sein. Von uns 5 Sterne. Immer wieder gerne
Melanie Steilner-Wainwright
Preis/Leistung perfekt
Jules B
Very pleased with the collar and the security of the AirTag. Speedily delivered good product and good service
Melanie Steilner-Wainwright
Preis/Leistung perfekt
Melanie Steilner-Wainwright
Preis/Leistung perfekt
Lord Business
I tried a keychain on a normal collar and the dog didn’t like it hanging down so far. This collar is great, nice and chunky, AirTag fits in perfectly. Would recommend!
Sehr gut verarbeitet. Passt perfekt. Seit über 1 woche in benutzung und hält ohne probleme. Scheint robust zu sein. Von uns 5 Sterne. Immer wieder gerne
Lord Business
I tried a keychain on a normal collar and the dog didn’t like it hanging down so far. This collar is great, nice and chunky, AirTag fits in perfectly. Would recommend!
Lord Business
I tried a keychain on a normal collar and the dog didn’t like it hanging down so far. This collar is great, nice and chunky, AirTag fits in perfectly. Would recommend!
È comodo, AirTag perfettamente al sicuro, non essendoci nulla di appeso al cane non da fastidio. Inoltre ha due strisce catarifrangenti per cui in strada con le luci il cane diventa visibile.
Wir haben das für unseren Junghund im Wachstum gekauft.Das Halsband ist schön breit und der Verschluss sieht ebenfalls schön stabil aus. Das Material ist bequem und die reflektierenden Streifen sind sehr schmeichelhaft. Gute Qualität für guten Preis und durchaus weiter zu empfehlen.
Holds the Airtag firmly looks good too
Pratico e sicuro bloccaggio per airtag.La dimensione XL nella massima estensione è idonea per razza adulta Labrador.
Antoni Di Sotto
Well made product, feels comfortable and holds the Air-tag securely, confident that it will not come loose.
Corentin masse
De bonne qualité pratique et le air tag s'installe parfaitement.Je recommande, au vu du prix c'est plutôt bien.
Super modèle, fluorescent la nuit, réglage facile, bonne qualité
Es acolchado y tiene buen agarre para el airtag
Antoni Di Sotto
Well made product, feels comfortable and holds the Air-tag securely, confident that it will not come loose.
Holds the Airtag firmly looks good too
Corentin masse
De bonne qualité pratique et le air tag s'installe parfaitement.Je recommande, au vu du prix c'est plutôt bien.
Es acolchado y tiene buen agarre para el airtag
Cute collar for my dog. AirTag fits snugly and comes with a mini screwdriver
Cute collar for my dog. AirTag fits snugly and comes with a mini screwdriver
Cute collar for my dog. AirTag fits snugly and comes with a mini screwdriver
Es acolchado y tiene buen agarre para el airtag
Super modèle, fluorescent la nuit, réglage facile, bonne qualité
Spedizione puntuale e prodotto perfetto,l’ho usato da far indossare al mio cane!!grazie!!
Cliente Amazon
Comodo, l’air tag entra perfettamente
Mister T
Sehr robust Preisleistung passt.
Cliente Amazon
Comodo, l’air tag entra perfettamente
Mister T
Sehr robust Preisleistung passt.
Boston mom
Bought to house an air tag to track the doggie if he escaped he dog sitter whilst I was on holiday.
Boston mom
Bought to house an air tag to track the doggie if he escaped he dog sitter whilst I was on holiday.
Collar was fine and air tag fitted in nicely, good value for the price
Helen W.
Great collar, only small complaint is that the D ring is perhaps a bit too big but other then that great
Spedizione puntuale e prodotto perfetto,l’ho usato da far indossare al mio cane!!grazie!!
Boston mom
Bought to house an air tag to track the doggie if he escaped he dog sitter whilst I was on holiday.
Collar was fine and air tag fitted in nicely, good value for the price
Helen W.
Great collar, only small complaint is that the D ring is perhaps a bit too big but other then that great
R. Manig
Das Halsband macht einen sehr guten ersten Eindruck.Einmal um den Hals unseres Hundes gelegt wird der Eindruck auch bestätigt.Was etwas merkwürdig erscheint, das die Air Tag Hülle etwas deformiert aussieht, egal wie Rum ich den Tag ins Halsband einlege.Ich hab den AirTag vorsichtshalber nochmal in Folie eingewickelt, um sicher zugehen, das er nicht im nächsten See „ab säuft“.Alles in allem denke ich aber ein super Produkt, und es kann wirklich empfohlen werden.
Cliente Amazon
Comodo, l’air tag entra perfettamente
R. Manig
Das Halsband macht einen sehr guten ersten Eindruck.Einmal um den Hals unseres Hundes gelegt wird der Eindruck auch bestätigt.Was etwas merkwürdig erscheint, das die Air Tag Hülle etwas deformiert aussieht, egal wie Rum ich den Tag ins Halsband einlege.Ich hab den AirTag vorsichtshalber nochmal in Folie eingewickelt, um sicher zugehen, das er nicht im nächsten See „ab säuft“.Alles in allem denke ich aber ein super Produkt, und es kann wirklich empfohlen werden.
Fantastic product. Easily adjustable doesn’t come loose. Air tag nicely protected. Also reflective collar which I didn’t see. Fantastic product!.
The airtag fits snug and the collar fits my 30kg shepherd. Very cute.
astrid hecklemann
Das Halsband ist nun seit einigen Wochen in Funktion, und findet sehr positive Aufmerksamkeit
Utile per mantenere sott’occhio il cAne anche se solo in presenza di i phone vicini . Collare robusto
Restituito perché ho cannato la taglia ma ottimoProdotto
Absolutely love the strength, durability and color. The air tag is completely secure and our dog actually loves wearing it.
Absolutely love the strength, durability and color. The air tag is completely secure and our dog actually loves wearing it.
Penny Lane
Ottimo, leggero e con un’ottima vestibilità